
Enapter is pioneering the world of green hydrogen modular electrolyzers, aiming to make the fuel source more accessible and affordable across the globe. Founded in 2017, Enapter has launched several versions of their electrolyzers, perfecting the product to better suit an array of applications for electricity storage, industrial solutions, research, and more.

Enapter Hydrogen Creation Systems

Total Hydrogen Solutions partners with Enapter to integrate their Anion Exchange Membrane (AEM) electrolyzers into custom hydrogen creation solutions. Enapter offers expert consulting and training services for their partners, allowing integrators like Total Hydrogen Solutions to maximize the benefits of their products. Their AEM electrolyzers are scalable, flexible, and easy to install for any application.

AEM Electrolyzer EL 4

  • Easy installation with low maintenance
  • Compatible with several green hydrogen applications
  • Infinitely scalable
Learn more and download the EL 4 datasheet

AEM Electrolyzer Flex 120

  • Can be used in refueling stations, storage, heat processing, and more
  • Configuration ranging from 40kW to 480kW
  • Flexible modular design
Learn more and download the Flex 120 datasheet

AEM Nexus

  • AEM Nexus 1000 and AEM Nexus 500 models
  • Nexus 1000 is the first ever megawatt-class electrolyzer
  • Efficient design compatible with hydrogen refueling stations, energy storage, and a range of other industrial applications
Learn more and download the Nexus datasheets

Clean H2 – An Enapter Distributor

Clean H2 is a distributor of Enapter electrolyzers. Their mission is to simplify the hydrogen creation process through AEM Electrolyzers. Through support and maintenance services, they work with integrators to improve electrolyzer application designs.

Learn more about Clean H2

To learn more about Enapter’s AEM Electrolyzers, contact our hydrogen experts at Total Hydrogen Solutions.

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