Haskel Pumps for Cold Wet Bag Isostatic Presses

Haskel 2.2 Horsepower Air Driven Pump
Haskel 2.2 Horsepower Air Driven Pump

Haskel offers pumps for cold wet bag isostatic presses. Cold Isostatic pressing is a method of compacting powdered materials in all directions simultaneously. A flexible mold is filled with powder and sealed, it is placed in a pressure vessel filled with fluid which is normally soluble oil and water, the fluid is pressurized thus compacting the powder inside the mold into what is generally termed a “Green Compact”. This process is complementary rather than competitive to conventional mechanical pressing but offers certain benefits such as:

  • Higher and more uniform density for a given, pressure.
  • Lower shrinkage and less distortion on sintering.
  • Die wall friction minimized eliminating the need for lubricants.
  • More complex shapes and greater length to diameter can be achieved economically.
  • Tooling costs are lower.


A cold wet bag isostatic press consists of a pressure vessel assembly and hydraulic power unit.
The size of pressure vessels range from 50 mm (2”) internal diameter x 305 mm (12”) deep up to 1,500 mm
(60”) internal diameter x 3.660 mm (144”) deep. Working pressures range from 700 bar (10,000 psi_ for the largest
vessel up to 7,000 bar (100,000 psi) for small laboratory type units.


Isostatics is being applied by companies in the following industries as a step in their process of manufacturing high-quality parts and/or in laboratories (industrial and educational) for research.

Ceramic and Clay Industries – High Tension Insulator Blanks, Electra Ceramic Parts, Guiding Rolls for extrusion of Copper Wires, Spools for Textile Threads, Tubes for Sodium, Vapor Lamps, Sewer Pipes, etc.

Powder Metallurgy Industry – Tungsten Bars for Electrical Applications, Hard Metal Tools and Dies, Forging Preforms, Filter Elements,  Bearings, Rock Drilling Bits, and Picks, Cutting Tools, Turbine Blades etc.

Refractory Industry – Crucibles, Teeming Nozzles, Furnace Liners, Refractory Bricks, etc.

Others – PTFE and Ferrite Products and Grinding Wheels.