Air-Mite offers a variety of Pneumatic Automation Components, including air arbor presses, four (4) separate series of air cylinders, various series of air and hydraulic valves, several safety circuit components, and many miniaturized accessories. Air-Mite offers a broad range of components for use in production and assembly. Air-Mite components may be found servicing industries such as Packaging, Textiles, Chemicals, Construction, Electronics, Woodworking and many others.

Product Lines
- Air Arbor Presses
- Air Cylinders
- Control Valves
- Miniature Air Components
- Pilot Valves
- Solenoid Valves
- Safety Circuit Controls
Air-Mite Repair Kits
- Micro Cylinder
- Mighty-Mite
- Tie Rod Cylinder
- Round Line Cylinder
- Valves